Don't Put it in Your Mouth 90's PSA

Dive deep into the nostalgia-filled waters of the 90s with hosts Lena and Avery as they discuss one of the era's most memorable PSA songs - "Don't Put It In Your Mouth". The duo provides a perfect blend of light-hearted banter, historical context, and music analysis that is both entertaining and enlightening.
Lena and Avery effortlessly transport their listeners back to a time when Saturday morning cartoons were interrupted by jingles with vivid messages. Through the podcast, they shed light on why this peculiar PSA was so catchy and why it remains lodged in the memories of 90s kids everywhere.
Whether you remember the PSA or not, the episode serves as a perfect trip down memory lane, touching on broader themes of childhood, public messaging, and of course, the unforgettable tunes of the 90s. Highly recommend for anyone looking to relive a bit of their youth or simply understand the cultural phenomenon of 90s public service announcements!
Available now on all major podcast platforms.
Listen to our playlist where each week we add the single that we talk about! 
Don't Put it in Your Mouth 90's PSA
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